The Crown Chakra: Sahasrara - Unleashing the Divine Within

Our Crown Chakra, Sahasrara, connects the physical self with the divine, acting as the point of entry for spiritual energy. This article guides you in unlocking, aligning, and balancing Sahasrara, fostering a profound connection with the divine that resides within us all.

The Element and the Sanskrit Name

Sahasrara, the Sanskrit name for the Crown Chakra, aligns with the element of thought or cosmic energy. 'Sahasrara' translates to 'thousand-petaled', reflecting its representation as a lotus flower with a thousand petals of enlightenment and spiritual connection.

The Purpose - How to interpret it

The purpose of Sahasrara is to serve as the connection to the divine and the spiritual world, providing a pathway to higher consciousness. It allows for the inward flow of wisdom and enlightenment, connecting us to the universe and our higher self.

The Location and the Associated Endocrine Organ

Sahasrara is located at the very top or 'crown' of the head and is associated with the pineal gland, often referred to as the 'seat of the soul'. The pineal gland releases melatonin, regulating our sleep patterns and biological rhythms.

The Identity and the Orientation – How we engage with the world through it

Sahasrara's identity is defined as 'Universal Identity'. It is the lens through which we view not just the world, but the entire universe and our place within it.

The Associated Issues and the Saboteur

The saboteur of Sahasrara is attachment. Attachment to material things, people, or ideas can block this chakra, preventing us from realizing our interconnectedness with the universe.

The Associated Physical Issues

Physical issues associated with a blocked Sahasrara can include chronic fatigue, migraines, and neurological disorders.

The Balanced Characteristics

A balanced Crown Chakra allows spiritual insight, a strong spiritual connection, and feelings of bliss and unity. It fosters understanding, wisdom, and a broad perspective on life.

The Symptoms of Imbalance

Imbalance symptoms include cynicism, ignoring spirituality, and feeling disconnected or unresponsive to the world around you.

The Associated Affirmation

The Crown Chakra affirmation is "I am connected to the divine source of the universe. I am light."

Chakra Techniques

Crown Chakra meditation techniques involve visualizing a violet lotus or white light at the crown of the head. Silent meditation or chanting OM can also help activate and balance Sahasrara.

Bringing It All Together and Additional Reading

Working with Sahasrara can transform your life by allowing you to experience the unity and divinity that lie at the heart of existence. Balancing the Crown Chakra encourages the flow of wisdom, bliss, and enlightenment into your life. As you continue your exploration, consider resources that delve into chakra balancing, meditation, yoga, and mindfulness as complementary techniques for Sahasrara alignment.


The Crown Chakra, Sahasrara, serves as our bridge to the divine, guiding us towards enlightenment and higher consciousness. By understanding and working with Sahasrara, we can unlock profound spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of our place in the cosmos. Connecting with this chakra lets you embrace the limitless potential that comes from being one with the universe.


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Awakening Insight: Unblocking and Activating the Brow Chakra, Ajna

Our third eye, or the Brow Chakra, known as Ajna, is the gateway to profound insight and psychic awareness. Unblocking and activating this chakra connects us to all energy and amplifies our perception and intention. This article guides you through a potent meditation for leveraging your existing chakras and awakening Ajna.

The Element and the Sanskrit Name

Ajna, the Sanskrit name for the Brow Chakra, aligns with the Light element. 'Ajna' translates to 'command' or 'perceiving', emphasizing its role in intuition and inner perception.

The Purpose - How to interpret it

The Brow Chakra's purpose is to control insight, intuition, awareness, and guidance. It's where we connect with our higher selves, gain wisdom, and perceive beyond the physical realm.

The Location and the Associated Endocrine Organ

Ajna is located in the center of the forehead, slightly above the space between the eyebrows, and is associated with the pituitary gland. This gland, known as the "master gland," influences nearly all parts of our endocrine system.

The Identity and the Orientation – How we engage with the world through it

With its 'Archetypal Identity', Ajna guides how we perceive and interpret the world around us. It influences our intuitive abilities and how we connect with our inner and outer realities.

The Associated Issues and the Saboteur

When blocked, Ajna may sabotage our ability to see clearly, leading to confusion, lack of clarity, and disillusionment.

The Associated Physical Issues

Physical issues associated with a blocked Brow Chakra can include headaches, vision problems, and hormonal imbalance.

The Balanced Characteristics

A balanced Brow Chakra promotes clear intuition, good memory, ease in visualization, and an ability to see the big picture. It allows us to tap into our innate wisdom and spiritual insights.

The Symptoms of Imbalance

Symptoms of an imbalanced Brow Chakra include difficulty concentrating, nightmares, feeling disconnected or dismissive of spiritual experiences.

The Associated Affirmation

An empowering affirmation for Ajna is, "I am in touch with my inner guidance and trust my intuition."

Chakra Techniques – Secret Smile, Damo's Cave, and Boyd's OODA Loop

Incorporating various techniques can help awaken the Brow Chakra. The 'Secret Smile' technique involves imagining a smile spreading across your face, filling your entire body with joy and positivity. 'Damo's Cave' refers to a visualization practice where you picture yourself in a serene, peaceful cave, enhancing your meditative state and promoting introspection. 'Boyd's OODA Loop' is a decision-making process that stands for Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act. Applying this method can lead to improved intuition and decision-making abilities.


Unlocking the Brow Chakra, Ajna, can significantly enhance your intuitive and psychic abilities, offer clear insights, and strengthen your connection with your higher self. Through understanding the Brow Chakra's purpose, recognizing the signs of imbalance, and implementing various chakra techniques, you can activate Ajna, bringing about transformation and profound inner wisdom.


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Unleash Your Creativity: Balancing the Throat Chakra, Vishuddha

The key to unlocking our inner originality and creativity resides in the Throat Chakra, or Vishuddha. This chakra, when in balance, enables us to express our personal voice and creativity freely and authentically. In this article, we will guide you through a meditation that aligns the energy and emotional aspects, thus unblocking Vishuddha.

The Element and the Sanskrit Name

Vishuddha, the Sanskrit name for the Throat Chakra, aligns with the Ether or Space element. 'Vishuddha' translates to 'especially pure', signifying its role in clear and authentic communication.

The Purpose - How to interpret it

The Throat Chakra is responsible for communication, self-expression, and truth. It guides our ability to express ourselves, our thoughts, and our emotions clearly and authentically.

The Location and the Associated Endocrine Organ

Vishuddha is located at the throat and is associated with the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland, an endocrine organ, is vital for metabolism and body temperature regulation.

The Identity and the Orientation – How we engage with the world through it

With its 'Creative Identity', Vishuddha influences how we express ourselves and communicate with the world. It allows us to share our thoughts, ideas, and emotions honestly and effectively.

The Associated Issues and the Saboteur

When blocked, the Throat Chakra may sabotage our ability to communicate and express ourselves, leading to issues such as miscommunication, dishonesty, and creative blocks.

The Associated Physical Issues

Physical issues linked with a blocked Throat Chakra can include throat pain, thyroid problems, voice loss, neck and shoulder stiffness, and dental issues.

The Balanced Characteristics

A balanced Throat Chakra promotes clear and honest communication, creativity, good listening abilities, and effective self-expression. It allows us to speak our truth with confidence.

The Symptoms of Imbalance

Symptoms of an imbalanced Throat Chakra include difficulty expressing oneself, fear of speaking, speech impediments, deceitfulness, and social anxiety.

The Associated Affirmation

An empowering affirmation for Vishuddha is, "I communicate my thoughts and feelings effortlessly and with clarity."

Chakra Techniques – Meditation for aligning and unblocking

To balance and unblock the Throat Chakra, imagine a bright blue light (the color associated with Vishuddha) in your throat. As you breathe in, visualize this light expanding, filling you with the power of clear and honest communication. As you exhale, visualize any blockages or negativity being released with your breath.

Healing the Whole - Patterns of Energy Imbalance

Chakra imbalances often reflect in patterns across the body and mind. Recognizing these patterns can aid in the healing process. In the case of Vishuddha, these patterns may manifest as recurring throat issues, difficulties with self-expression, or fear of speaking out. By addressing these patterns directly, we can realign our Throat Chakra and reclaim our voice and creativity.


Balancing and unblocking the Throat Chakra, Vishuddha, is crucial for fostering creativity, clear communication, and authentic self-expression. Through mindful meditation, recognition of imbalance patterns, and affirmations, we can access our inner originality and articulate our thoughts and emotions with ease and confidence.


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Embrace Love and Compassion: Balancing the Heart Chakra, Anahata

Deep within us resides the source of empathy, compassion, and forgiveness — the Heart Chakra, or Anahata. This chakra, when balanced, can lead to profound emotional connections and amplified impact on our overall energy system. In this article, we will guide you through a meditation to purposefully unblock Anahata, allowing you to fully connect your energy with your emotion.

The Element and the Sanskrit Name

Anahata, the Sanskrit name for the Heart Chakra, aligns with the Air element. 'Anahata' translates to 'unhurt', 'unstruck', or 'unbeaten', highlighting the pure and infinite place where no sadness resides.

The Purpose - How to interpret it

The Heart Chakra is where love, compassion, and kindness are fostered. It is our source of emotional connection and empathy and is fundamental in our interactions with the world around us and our relationships with others.

The Location and the Associated Endocrine Organ

Anahata is located at the center of the chest, aligning with the thymus gland, an endocrine organ responsible for the regulation of the immune system, fortifying our physical and emotional defenses.

The Identity and the Orientation – How we engage with the world through it

With its 'Social Identity', Anahata influences how we engage with others. It guides us in forming meaningful, empathetic relationships and encourages us to approach situations with love and compassion.

The Associated Issues and the Saboteur

If blocked, the Heart Chakra can sabotage our relationships and our capacity to love and connect with others, leading to issues such as loneliness, jealousy, and bitterness.

The Associated Physical Issues

Physical issues linked with a blocked Heart Chakra can include heart and lung conditions, poor immune function, and upper back and shoulder pain.

The Balanced Characteristics

A balanced Heart Chakra cultivates love for oneself and others, compassion, empathy, and forgiveness. It enhances our ability to cope with loss and aids in developing healthy relationships.

The Symptoms of Imbalance

Signs of an imbalanced Heart Chakra include being overly defensive, feeling closed down, jealousy, fear of intimacy, and reliance on others' approval and attention.

The Associated Affirmation

An empowering affirmation for Anahata is, "I give and receive love effortlessly and unconditionally."

Chakra Techniques – Meditation for aligning and unblocking

To align and unblock the Heart Chakra, envision a vibrant green light (the color associated with Anahata) in the center of your chest. As you inhale, imagine this light growing, filling you with love, compassion, and empathy. As you exhale, visualize any negativity or blockages leaving with your breath.


The Hridaya mudra, or the heart gesture, is a powerful technique for opening Anahata. To perform this mudra, bring the index finger to the root of the thumb and join the tips of the middle and ring fingers to the thumb. Extend the little finger. Hold this gesture while meditating to enhance the flow of energy into the Heart Chakra.

Case Study

Consider Sarah, a woman who felt distant from her loved ones. She constantly felt defensive and struggled to build meaningful relationships. By engaging in Heart Chakra meditation and adopting the associated affirmation, she began to see a change. She felt more empathetic and less defensive, allowing her to form deeper, more meaningful connections with those around her.


Balancing the Anahata or Heart Chakra is crucial to our emotional wellbeing and ability to connect with others. By nurturing this chakra, we can foster our empathy, compassion, and forgiveness, establishing stronger, healthier relationships.


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Unleash the Power of the Solar Plexus Chakra: Ignite Your Inner Fire for Optimal Energy and Health

The chakra system is an intricate network of energy centers in the human body. One of these vital chakras is the Solar Plexus Chakra, or Manipura, the 'fire chakra.' It plays an essential role in energy balance and overall health. This article will guide you through a meditation to balance and unblock the Solar Plexus Chakra, aligning its energy to facilitate healing.

The Element and the Sanskrit Name

The Solar Plexus Chakra, known as Manipura in Sanskrit, associates with the Fire element. 'Manipura' translates to 'City of Jewels,' symbolizing the treasure trove of energies held within this chakra.

The Purpose - How to interpret it

Manipura governs our personal power, self-esteem, and decisiveness. It's about the realization of personal freedom and the ability to choose one's path.

The Location and the Associated Endocrine Organ

Located around the navel area, the Solar Plexus Chakra aligns with the pancreas, an endocrine organ responsible for insulin production, crucial for energy regulation in the body.

The Identity and the Orientation – How we engage with the world through it

With its 'Ego Identity', the Solar Plexus Chakra guides us to engage with the world confidently and assertively. It embodies our individuality and our ability to assert ourselves in the world.

The Associated Issues and the Saboteur

When blocked, Manipura can lead to issues like low self-esteem, lack of control, and aggression, essentially sabotaging our ability to exert our personal power effectively.

The Associated Physical Issues

Physical symptoms of a blocked Solar Plexus Chakra may include digestive problems, liver dysfunction, chronic fatigue, and hypertension.

The Balanced Characteristics

A balanced Solar Plexus Chakra fosters self-confidence, proactivity, and a sense of personal power. It enables us to make conscious choices to choose and to act.

The Symptoms of Imbalance

Signs of an imbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra include feelings of helplessness, irresponsibility, and issues with self-image. It can also result in being overly competitive and a fixation on minutiae.

The Associated Affirmation

A powerful affirmation for the Solar Plexus Chakra is, "I am confident in all that I do. I am successful and release my creative energy into this reality, effortlessly." To align and unblock the Solar Plexus Chakra, meditation focused on this area can be highly beneficial. Imagine a bright yellow light (the color associated with Manipura) in your solar plexus area. As you breathe in, visualize this light expanding, filling you with self-confidence, personal power, and energy. As you breathe out, envision any blockages or negativity dissipating.

Advanced Chakra Techniques

For advanced practice, you can incorporate sound healing using the seed mantra for Manipura, which is 'RAM'. Chanting this mantra during your meditation can enhance the unblocking process. Yoga poses such as Navasana (Boat Pose) or Matsyendrasana (Lord of the Fishes Pose) can also help stimulate the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Control Dramas

Recognizing and overcoming control dramas is vital for maintaining a balanced Solar Plexus Chakra. Control dramas can be power struggles or manipulative behaviors that drain our energy and cause the chakra to become imbalanced. Identifying such patterns allows us to regain control over our personal power.

Professional Paperwork

Maintaining an account of your chakra meditation journey, noting down experiences, changes, and feelings can provide a professional approach to your healing process. It aids in tracking progress and identifying areas that require more attention.

Treating Animals

Animals, like humans, have chakra systems too. Animal Reiki or healing can be utilized to balance the Solar Plexus Chakra in animals, promoting their overall well-being.


The Solar Plexus Chakra is the core of our personal power and confidence. By understanding its importance and employing targeted techniques, we can ignite our inner fire, consolidate our health, and live empowered lives.


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Embrace the Power of the Sacral Chakra: Unleash Your Sexual Energy, Emotional Balance, and Mental Clarity

The chakra system provides a profound framework for understanding and managing our energetic health. Sitting just above the Root Chakra is the Sacral Chakra, or Swadisthana. Known as the hub of emotions, sexuality, and creativity, the Sacral Chakra can empower you to experience life fully. Here's how you can align and unblock it for emotional balance, increased sexual energy, and mental clarity.

The Element and the Sanskrit Name

The Sacral Chakra, or Swadisthana, is associated with the Water element, symbolizing fluidity, adaptability, and the flow of life. In Sanskrit, 'Swa' means 'self', and 'Adhisthana' translates to 'dwelling place' or 'residence'. Hence, Swadisthana represents where your true self resides.

The Purpose - How to interpret it

The Sacral Chakra governs our emotions, creativity, pleasure, and sexual energy. Its purpose is to encourage us to express emotions freely and enjoy life's pleasures while maintaining equilibrium.

The Location and the Associated Endocrine Organ

Located about two inches below the navel, the Sacral Chakra is associated with the reproductive organs, responsible for hormone production and reproductive processes, and thus linked with sexual energy.

The Identity and the Orientation – How we engage with the world through it

Swadisthana, the 'Emotional Identity', guides our interaction with the world through feelings and sensations. It promotes an open exchange of experiences and emotions, enhancing our ability to connect with others and the world around us.

The Associated Issues and the Saboteur

When the Sacral Chakra is out of balance, it can lead to emotional instability, fear of pleasure, and creative blocks, acting as a saboteur to our emotional health and personal relationships.

The Associated Physical Issues

Physical manifestations of a blocked Sacral Chakra may include reproductive issues, sexual dysfunction, lower back pain, urinary problems, and kidney dysfunction.

The Balanced Characteristics

When balanced, the Sacral Chakra encourages emotional intelligence, creative expression, sexual fulfillment, and the ability to embrace change. It fosters an optimistic outlook, passion, and a strong sense of wellness.

The Symptoms of Imbalance

Imbalance in the Sacral Chakra might present as emotional overreactions or numbness, creative blockages, fear of change, sexual dysfunction, or addiction. It could also lead to feelings of depression, isolation, and emotional instability.

The Associated Affirmation

A potent Sacral Chakra affirmation could be, "I honor my needs, and I allow myself to experience pleasure and abundance."

Chakra Techniques – Meditation for aligning and unblocking

To align and unblock the Sacral Chakra, you can practice a simple meditation that focuses on this area. Begin by sitting comfortably and visualizing a warm orange glow (the color associated with Swadisthana) at your sacral region. As you breathe in, imagine this glow expanding and filling you with creativity, vitality, and pleasure. As you breathe out, envision any blockages or negative energy dissolving away. Regular practice of this meditation, along with yoga poses like Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) and Viparita Virabhadrasana (Reverse Warrior Pose), can stimulate the flow of energy in the Sacral Chakra.


In conclusion, the Sacral Chakra is a potent source of emotional balance, sexual energy, and creativity. It's crucial to keep it aligned and unblocked to maintain an optimal state of energetic health. By understanding Swadisthana and using targeted techniques, you can tap into your sacral power, leading to a fulfilling and vibrant life.


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Understanding the Root Chakra: Your Foundation to Strength, Confidence, and Energy


Chakras, the energy centers within us, play a significant role in defining our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. The first of these seven major chakras is the Root Chakra, known as Muladhara in Sanskrit. It forms the foundation of our energy system. So, how do we understand, balance, and leverage this chakra for personal growth and well-being? Let's explore!

The Element and the Sanskrit Name

Muladhara, or the Root Chakra, is associated with the Earth element. It signifies stability and grounding, just like the Earth itself. In Sanskrit, 'Mula' means 'root', and 'Adhara' means 'base' or 'support', making Muladhara a symbol of our foundational strength.

The Purpose - How to interpret it

The Root Chakra serves as the anchor for our energy system. Its primary function is to instill a sense of security, survival, and self-confidence. A balanced Root Chakra can help you handle challenges, exhibit courage, and experience a harmonious existence.

The Location and the Associated Endocrine Organ

Situated at the base of the spine, the Root Chakra is closely related to the adrenal glands. These glands release hormones that regulate stress and boost energy – thus playing a pivotal role in our survival instincts.

The Identity and the Orientation – How we engage with the world through it

Known as the 'Physical Identity', the Root Chakra is our connection point to the physical world. It orients us to self-preservation, enabling us to interact with the world from a place of survival, security, and self-confidence.

The Associated Issues and the Saboteur

When out of balance, the Root Chakra can lead to issues such as anxiety, fear, and insecurities - acting as a saboteur to our well-being. These challenges often stem from a shaky foundation, making us question our sense of belonging and safety.

The Associated Physical Issues

Physically, an imbalanced Root Chakra can manifest as lower back pain, digestive issues, and immune-related problems. It may also result in fatigue, as the chakra's association with the adrenal glands influences our energy levels.

The Balanced Characteristics

A balanced Root Chakra paves the way for strength, stability, vitality, and prosperity. It promotes feelings of security, induces positivity, and enhances our connection to the Earth and our physical body.

The Symptoms of Imbalance

Signs of a Root Chakra imbalance include constant worry, low self-esteem, insecurity, and difficulties in managing stress. Physically, it can cause ailments like constipation, lower backache, and frequent fatigue. Chronic feelings of disconnection or alienation can also suggest a misaligned Root Chakra.

The Associated Affirmation

Affirmations for the Root Chakra typically revolve around safety, stability, and abundance. A simple yet powerful affirmation could be, "I am secure, I am grounded, and I am prosperous."

Chakra Practices and Techniques – Meditation for balancing, unblocking and aligning

To balance and align the Root Chakra, grounding meditation practices are extremely beneficial. Visualizing a strong root connecting you from your base to the Earth's core can strengthen your sense of security. Additionally, incorporating the color red, the sound 'LAM', and yoga postures like Tadasana (Mountain Pose) and Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose) into your routine can further amplify the balancing process.

Remote Healing Process and Self-Connection

Remote healing practices such as Reiki or distant chakra healing can be instrumental in balancing the Root Chakra. By focusing strong high vibration energy on this chakra in a healing session, balance and connection can be restored. It is a personal journey towards grounding oneself and establishing a strong foundation.


In conclusion, understanding and nurturing our Root Chakra, or Muladhara, is essential to build a solid foundation for growth, confidence, and energy. With mindfulness and consistent practices, we can maintain balance in this chakra, enabling us to tap into our innate strength and vitality. Remember, it's all about grounding yourself and embracing your physical identity with courage and positivity.


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Decision Making: 10 Components of Decision Making to Keep you in Control of your Life.

Decision Making: 10 Components of Decision Making to Keep you in Control of your Life.


How many decisions do we make each day?

It is widely estimated that an adult makes 35,000 decisions every day whereas young children make only 3000, per day. Although this statistic appears to me to be highly debatable, and I would agree it would be right to be sceptical about it, it still is evident that we make more decisions than we think.

Decisions are interesting as it is where the confluence of so many elements of emotion, programming, the cocktail of circumstances, and (in some instances) forward planning occurs – both consciously and subconsciously. 

Achieve, Achieving, Achieved.

***How are you doing on your goals for 2017 so far?***

The desires to create our goals and achieve our dreams to become the best version of ourselves can be very powerful. We relive our desires over and over again to make them happen.

As we know, our true self or our best self has no limits.

Along the way to our desires we take a rest within the feelings of satisfaction. Feelings of satisfaction help us measure how far we've already come according to our own set-point.

Feelings of satisfaction incorporate the recognition, our own analysis of where we've come from and where we're going to, and take account of how far along the road we already are travelling.

So, satisfaction 'takes account'. Whether it be a relationship, your money situation or your health, how satisfied you are is your own measurement of how well you are doing in relation to your goals - whether or not you have consciously set these goals.

We use gratitude to power up the happy feelings we need to underpin the virtuous cycle we are creating to lead us to our desires- like pedaling a bike to get to where you want to go or starting the jet engine of a 747.

Gratitude helps you gain momentum. The daily practice of gratitude helps drive the mind towards new things it can be grateful for too. Without the gratitude there may not be quite enough power of momentum to sustain the desire. Gratitude is one of the elements that fuels the happiness to create the higher energies for the medium and long term support of our desires.

But even with all this gratitude, limitations exist. We often don't reach our goals because of these limitations that trip us up.

Limitations are created by our environment (meaning our circumstances too), our programming and our emotions. For example, when we view the present moment in a filter of the past, we carry along the baggage of limitations. When we feel 'not good enough' we are living within our limiting beliefs.

Within the feeling state, it's mainly our limitations that are holding us back. Limitation is an opposite feeling and an opposite energy to freedom.

In states of high wellbeing we create synchronicites and in that expanded space peace, joy, compassion, and equanimity are our natural states. Here we can all move past our conditioning to achieve things beyond our wildest dreams.

By releasing the toxicity of stored emotions, we can liberate our best selves and enhance our wellbeing. The emotional freedom this creates gives us a clear run to accelerate to our desires too, allowing expansion to happen.

We use modalites like Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or Tapping) to work with our limiting beliefs, we learn how to release them and how to amp up your desires, clear what's blocking you and achieve your dreams.

To register for upcoming group coaching just click on the pop up at

Here's to activating your desires and achieving your goals!


The question of emotional loyalty came up for me today, as something negative I had to deal with. Now here I’m talking about a feeling state rather than a thinking state.

The curious thing is, I never really viewed loyalty as a negative. My thinking state always viewed loyalty as something noble, something to prize and something to be proud of. Therefore, I was intrigued to explore this.

As an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) master practitioner, I’m aware it’s always important to continuously clear your own negative feelings -  preferably with a coach - but having used EFT for over 15 years now, I’ve begun to notice almost seamlessly what needs to be cleared when it comes up.

When I uncovered the feelings behind the word loyalty for myself (and I will tell you that everyone has their own feeling definition), it brought up limiting beliefs of having to stay in the same environment, having to stay in the same paradigm, of being hemmed in, of staying stuck, there were also elements of a lack of freedom to the detriment of joy too.

Once these negative feelings then started coming up and I cleared them, feelings of guilt that I should feel this way came to the fore. I was happy to clear these too, and then that wonderful feeling of calm descended upon me.

Not being content with just being calm and having cleared all the negative feelings associated with loyalty, I then moved to raise my energy with gratitude for all the friends I have, all the wonderful regular, steadfast comforts that are around me because of a regular practice to nurture them (a positive form of loyalty) and then gradually, something shifted and a wash of good feelings flooded over me. I get this happy giggly feeling in the pit of my stomach when I’m really happy. I was there at +10.

This as this is the way we work in EFT to clear any negative feelings to give rise to positive feelings and create great shifts in our lives. By clearing the negatives we collapse the perceived problems which gives rise to calm and higher energy states.

And look out for those wolves in sheep’s clothing! The negatives are not always so apparent, and are often shrouded in noble definitions!

If this post resonates with you, I invite you to take part in my 3-week group program which starts this Thursday 20th April on Zoom. Once you’ve booked you will receive full details of the program. In three weekly sessions we will work on 1. Decluttering the mind 2. Stopping self-sabotage and 3. Clearing limiting beliefs.

This is a great opportunity to experience my energy and coaching work to release blocks and open up a life that you never thought would be possible! Please join me at . I look forward to working with you on the call!

p.s. I’ll be raising my prices in May so now’s the time to get in and start working with me!


To take you back to when I originally started working on my journey with EFT I had a coach who was always trying to take me from thinking with my head to the feeling state (thinking with my heart) in our sessions. This annoyed me a bit because I was so used to ‘living in my story’ and thought that my story was what was needed to be communicated to resolve what I needed to resolve.

Now I'm aware that then I had this ‘unconscious incompetence’ of getting into my feeling state. But why is this important you might ask? In case you don’t already know, the feeling state is where the magic happens.

Onwards to 2017 and I’m so much better at connecting, speaking, communicating, feeling with my heart – and with that comes gratitude as life is so much sweeter now.

So onto my story about hustle. I’m a big coffee fan. Here in the UK we have Costa coffee – for me that’s tons better than Starbucks (but we’ll leave that heated debate for another time!). Going in to get my favourite brew about 6 months ago I thought to myself how hard the staff there have to work to earn their money. Having just started my online business I was in the position where I knew I’d have to work hard to get traction. So I put my head down and worked and worked and worked, like someone who really had to work hard.

The main thing about having an online business and creating online programs is that results are not always predictable and there’s so much testing, testing and so much more stuff to firehose your mind with to get you up to speed to create a working online business.

So I nearly burnt myself out (again).

Then I remembered my coach’s constancy of asking me to move to my heart during our sessions. I realised that that was the missing for me: again, a practice of moving from my head to my heart – in my case from ‘hustle’ to REST. It’s simply another ‘unconscious incompetence’ that I need to move to a place of ‘conscious competence’.

I just wanted you to all to know this because this is yet another example of the practices that I now use with clients in my sessions. Working with my heart has had an exponential impact in my life. I want it to be the same for you, so you can thrive too and love your life.


Today's post is about mindset - where you are and where you would like to be.

Over the past few months I've been creating an online course called the Business Deep Dive Course which, with 89 students, has been a fantastic experience for me. Even with all my long list of coaching and business qualifications it has also been a challenge some days.

To stay motivated every day, to give more, to expand more has been my journey throughout the past weeks and months, which has led to personal breakthroughs especially in regard to confidence levels.

One of the most important questions I've asked myself every day is 'what if'. You might have noticed our emotional states are different every day and different feelings can come up when we ask the same questions.

In a truly positive state of mind we become creative and our highest self starts to emerge. The 'what if' question seems, for me, to activate that state of creativity.

Today I'm going to ask you the same questions:

'What if there were no limits, what would you do?'

'What if love was totally unconditional, how would you feel?'

'Where would you like to be, if not right where you are right now? 
What if this were possible?'

'What if you could have anything you wanted, what would it be?'

In a daily mindset practice you can ask yourself these questions daily. The feelings that emerge from these questions take us to the next step on our journey.

Let me know in the comments below your own insights, your answers to these 'what if' questions.

Happy Monday!
